
Credibility of 2B2 sustainable advertising

01 January 2024 → 31 December 2025
Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
Research disciplines
  • Social sciences
    • Business-to-business marketing
    • Persuasive communication
credibility of sustainable communication green advertising advertising effectiveness
Project description

Previous research (Verleye et al. 2023; 14000 downloads) shows that the credibility of Business to Consumer (B2C) sustainable advertising is performing very poorly.  The percentage of credible reviews of such video spots is lower than 10%.   Based on a statistical model that combines data from a content analysis and a survey, we were able to identify 6 determinants of credibility, which explain 72% of the degree of credibility. 

This research proposal aims to investigate the credibility of sustainable expressions in Business to Business (B2B) communication.  After all, when companies want to sell their products and services to other companies, they promote the sustainability of their solutions in order to convince the buyer.  With this research we want to conduct a content analysis of such communications, evaluate credibility and identify the determinants and consequences of credibility.