
Optimisation of anaesthetic/analgesic drug administration and ventilation techniques in patients with adiposity based chronic disease.

01 January 2024 → 31 December 2025
Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
Research disciplines
  • Medical and health sciences
    • Anaesthesiology not elsewhere classified
    • Surgery not elsewhere classified
Mechanical ventilation Obesity and overweight pharmacodynamics Pharmacokinetics
Project description

The prevalence of obesity among adults in the European region is 59% (WHO report 3rd May 2022). These patients undergo all sorts of elective and metabolic surgery, mostly under general anaesthesia. Obesity affects the pharmacology of drugs. Most package inserts of commonly used anaesthetics and analgesics do not provide guidance on dosing these high risk medications in people with obesity. This project investigates the pharmacokinetics and dynamics of these products with the aim of administering effective doses that improve patient safety and quality of recovery. Obesity rapidly impacts the physiology of the respiratory system. The ideal technique for artificial ventilation during surgery but also during admission to the intensive care unit has not yet been fully developed and explored. This project investigates protective and innovative ventilation techniques in patients with obesity such as individualized Positive End-Expiratory Pressure and flow-controlled ventilation.