Humanities and the arts
- Interactive media
This project addresses the theoretical and methodological questions of embodied interaction with multimedia installation artthrough body movement and the use of mediation technology. The ultimate goal is the definition of an effective model for the preservation of interactive artworks, ensuring future re-use and flexible access. Most interactive artwork produced since the 1990s is lost due to the lack of adequate preservation methodologies: as a result the European cultural asset is improverished and its potential for economic growth is drastically diminished. the intrinsic interconnection of interactive artworks with computer-based technology requires a multidisciplinary approach to preservation involving high-profile cultural and scientific competences. With this project I intend to integrate my years of experience in the field of audio preservation with strategic competences that come from user-oriented studies in embodied cognition research, in order to bridge the gap between the world of the arts and the cutting-edge technology for digital preservation. This project contributes to the work programme H2020 by (1) canalizing advanced competences on the safeguard and the promotion of European cultural heritage, and by (2) bridging the gap between cutting-edge scientific-technological knowledge and the world of the arts, facilitating interdisciplinary innovation and strengthening the competitiveness of the European cultural and creative sectors ( Official Journal of the european Union, L 347/225, Artt. 3a and 5.1).