
Optimizing educational research in higher education (Ecuador)

01 September 2012 → 31 August 2014
Federal funding: various
Research disciplines
  • Engineering and technology
    • Other engineering and technology
educational research
Project description

This seeds project aims at strengthening - in Ecuadorian universities and teacher training institutions - educational research as a base for the design and development of education. The project upgrades educational research expertise and practices in universities and teacher training institutes. The project brings together the available research experts and available good practices in Ecuador. A growing group of partners from the South will be involved (at minimum 10 partners). The resulut areas are related to expertise of university staff, design of new university curricula, design of new models for teacher education, active internships, and reports. The activities build on design and development workshops, conferences, internships, publications, and a website. Next to a general perspective on educational research, the focus is also on the teaching and learning of mathematics as a particular case of the STEM subjects.