
Tackling FRAILTY: ACTIVE-AGE@home: a home-based functional exercise program for community dwelling frail older adults

01 October 2022 → 30 September 2026
Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO)
Research disciplines
  • Medical and health sciences
    • Geriatrics
    • Health promotion and policy
    • Elderly care
    • Primary health care
    • Rehabilitation
Project description

The aim of the project is to test the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness
of the innovative ACTIVE-AGE@home functional exercise program in
two versions (one led by professionals and one led by trained
volunteers) compared to a control group receiving care as usual to
improve the life of community dwelling frail older adults in all domains
(bio-psycho-social) and consequently reduce the societal healthcare
costs. Our study replies to an urgent call to accrue more knowledge
about which intervention strategies are effective for frailty, and to
determine whether they are feasible and cost-effective. Regarding the
societal and economic benefits, several studies pointed out that the
average additional costs associated with frailty when controlled for
ageing and multimorbidity range from 1.500 to 5.000 euro per person
per year. For Flanders this means a possible cost reduction of
787.500.000 euro to euro per year if all frail older adults
participated in this project. The scientific objective for this project is to
validate and achieve a culturally adopted program that responds to the
personal goals of older frail people by collecting evidence for the
effectiveness of the professional laid program and evidence for the
effectiveness of the volunteer laid program. In addition this project
should achieve a synergistic relation between all key stakeholders to
implement the program in health care, welfare and education