
Monotonicity issues in decision making and voting

01 September 2016 → 31 March 2018
Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
Research disciplines
  • Natural sciences
    • Analysis
    • Applied mathematics in specific fields
    • General mathematics
    • History and foundations
    • Other mathematical sciences and statistics
  • Social sciences
    • Social work
    • Other sociology
    • Other sociology
    • Other anthropology
Ranking Rule Social Choice Monotonicity
Project description

Social choice theory is the (mathematically oriented) science studying what conclusions can be drawn from the preferences expressed by several voters on a set of candidates. We propose a new point of view of this long-standing problem centered on the natural property of monotonicity and on the concept of monometric. In that way, we introduce two new and essential concepts in such an old and relevant field as social choice theory. This research carries undeniable interest for the faculty of bioscience engineering due to its potential applications in many fields of interest such as ecosystem management, sustainability assessment or consumer preference analysis.