Engineering and technology
- Automotive combustion and fuel engineering
This project aims to realize G-TECH as a Flemish living lab in the field of thermal energy. G-TECH will be a state-of-the-art, open innovation ecosystem, where state-of-the-art test infrastructure will be made available to Flemish industry, with a view to scaling up and commercializing sustainable energy technologies to XL size.
Within Europe, Belgium and Flanders, the transition to a fossil-free society is an important policy priority, with innovation at its core. The spearhead clusters Flux50 and De Blauwe Cluster, as facilitators of cooperation around innovation in the triple helix context, play a key role in Flemish innovation policy. An important element in Flux50's strategy is the realization and support of living labs. These living labs are innovation ecosystems where energy technologies are tested and improved in real interaction with end users and other components. After this phase, the innovations are ready for a go-to-market. An analysis by Flux50 of the existing living labs in Flanders showed important gaps in the domain of sustainable heat and fuels and this despite the great need for further innovation in this domain (identified by dozens of industry members).