

10 October 2014 → 31 December 2015
Regional and community funding: various
Research disciplines
  • Humanities and the arts
    • Architectural design
    • Architecture
    • Art studies and sciences
    • Interior architecture
  • Engineering and technology
    • Architectural engineering
    • Architecture
    • Interior architecture
architecture exhibition
Project description

The exhibition architecture is one of the main resources in and through which architecture is made public. Architecture Trade games since the eighties a key role in the architectural landscape, but the critical reflection on this instrument and the practice remains limited. The project ExpoLAB want to link theoretical reflection on design work and exhibition practice, in order to set up a public debate on the exhibition of architecture and more specifically about exhibition architecture. The project is fueled by research and educational context of the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, and consistent with the public activities of the new library architecture faculty of the University of Ghent which opens in September 2014.