
Conflict resolution and decision making in the applied biological sciences

01 October 2011 → 31 August 2015
Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
Research disciplines
  • Agricultural and food sciences
    • Agricultural animal production
    • Agricultural plant production
    • Agriculture, land and farm management
    • Other agriculture, forestry, fisheries and allied sciences
Conflict resolution and decision making
Project description

In the broadest sense, the biological sciences impact every object of our lives and every aspect of the globe, from the environment we live in and the products we consume, up to the daily choices we make regarding these and the larger issue of environmental sustainable policy making. Within the applied biological sciences, conflict resolution and decision making are consequently a topic of great importance. Biological data and phenomena are characterized by a huge diversity of possibly conflicting indicators, dimensions of quality and explicit or implicit variabilities and accuracies. Correspondingly, reaching proper decisions will require flexible methodologies. This research proposal builds on previous work and personal expertise, but uses these in fundamentally new fields. By keeping both the underlying mathematics and the possible applications close, and using these as testing problems, the research will be both theoretically well founded and of immediate interest to society at large. The mathematical concepts employed are specifically suited to dealing with the imprecise, vague and partially contradictory information that is symptomatic to these applications. The envisaged outcome is a flexible methodology that is applicable in risk assessment, ecological economics, sustainable policy making and social decision making.