Following the Nobel price winning discovery of microRNAs, a new class of
regulatory long non-coding RNAs has recently come into the picture. It is assumed
that these novel genes play vital roles in cellular regulatory mechanisms. Elucidation
of the specific lncRNA functions will have a major impact on our understanding of
cellular processes and can provide a significant contribution towards development of
treatments for many diseases. In this context, the aim of my postdoctoral research
project is to identify cancer related lncRNAs in the TP53 governed cellular network.
By means of advanced experimental and bioinformatics procedures, I will study
lncRNA function, putative protein interaction partners, and DNA binding sites. By
mapping lncRNAs in the TP53 pathway, processes utilized by tumors to evade TP53
induced apoptosis and senescence programs will be clarified, ultimately resulting in
identification of targets for molecular anti-cancer therapies.