Social sciences
- Other economics and business
- Citizenship, immigration and political inequality
- International and comparative politics
- Multilevel governance
- National politics
- Political behaviour
- Political organisations and institutions
- Political theory and methodology
- Public administration
- Other political science
The aim of this national seminar was to promote an inclusive framework for dialogue between different stakeholders in order to reach a consensus on a land reform process, to identify the challenges, opportunities and constraints of an effective land management and to develop a short-term and long-term roadmap of a land reform process. During this seminar, it was agreed that a new land policy, including a revision of the General Property Law of 1973, was required. A roadmap for a participative land reform was adopted that identified four main steps: (i) formulating a new land policy; (ii) revising
the existing land law and harmonizing all legal texts dealing with land issues and the sectors associated with it; (iii) developing a program for the implementation of the new policy and law and giving coherence to the institutional responsibilities of the different parties in
volved; (iv) informing the public about the
reform and building the capacity of the different target groups