
Waste from companies as a secondary source

BusiSource 2018
01 January 2018 → 31 December 2018
European funding: various
Research disciplines
  • Natural sciences
    • Sustainable chemistry
    • Aquatic sciences, challenges and pollution
    • Environmental science and management
Project description

The project objective is to compile different methods to improve collection of WEEE from household waste, under different circumstances in the EU and spread this information throughout the target audience; businesses, other organisations concerning (WEEE) and Electrical and Electronic Equipment (EEE) production. The dissemination of the information is set within raising awareness at large towards the (secondary) raw materials sector. The dissemination of the information is by workshops. These workshops will be tested duringthe dissemination, and business models of giving these workshops will be tested. The target end-customers and key beneficiaries of this educational activity are on one side the businesses who can remove obsolete EEE and WEEE at lower cost or more income, and on another side the recycling, remanufacturing and repair businesses who need more (W)EEE as an input. The major contribution to the target audience is lowering the collection costs (municipals) and organise more input for processing (recylcling, remanufacturing and repair). The scope of the project is to compile different methods to improve collection WEEE from businesses and spread this information to the target audience. The key deliverables are a website with an overview of these methods for separate EEE/WEEE collection in businesses, workshops for at least 200 companies and a document on best practices how to give these workshops and a business model for these workshops for the KIC-LE. The website will also be a platform for businesses to connect with each other to exchange EEE/WEEE, and to benchmark with other businesses. The main impact is to lower the costs of WEEE disposal for businesses, increase the amount of WEEE for recycling and EEE for repair and remanufacturing companies.