
Translation and diaspora. The system of literary translations in Russian émigré journals (1919-1939).

01 November 2023 → 31 October 2027
Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO)
Research disciplines
  • Humanities and the arts
    • Translation studies
    • Interpreting studies
    • Literary translation
    • Literatures in Russian
20th Century Eastern European languages Russian Russian emigration Interwar period Periodical translation Literary studies Translation Studies
Project description

Diasporic communities are often characterized as being 'in-between'. Having to navigate between their own culture and that of their hosts, they have to rely on different types of cultural mediation, with constant (re)negotiation between home country – host – diaspora. The diasporic periodical is a site where such mediation becomes visible. Driven by digitalization, research on periodicals is gaining scholarly interest, but the function literary translation has in diasporic journals is yet to be fully examined. Unique in its kind, this project focuses on translated literature in Russian illustrated émigré journals in the Interwar period (1919-1939). Considering this a community for whom the printed word was quintessential in creating and spreading cultural life, research on the translation and dissemination of foreign literature in the periodical context will challenge the notion of the Russian émigré journal as a distinct locus of translation, and on the broader diaspora as being characterized by cultural hybridity and boundary maintenance. The proposed project will allow to fill in an existing gap in the fields of Periodical, Translation and Diaspora Studies and will do so by examining two middlebrow journals: Illustrated Russia (Paris; 1924-1939) and Frontier (Harbin; 1928-1939). Based on preliminary research, the concept of a distinct émigré canon of translated literature is introduced, influenced by the cultural specificity of the Russian diasporic context.