
On the postmodern status of classical tragedy & tragic vision: the novels, plays and theatre of Peter Verhelst

01 October 2010 → 30 September 2014
Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund, Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO)
Research disciplines
  • Humanities and the arts
    • Language studies
    • Literary studies
    • Theory and methodology of language studies
    • Theory and methodology of linguistics
    • Theory and methodology of literary studies
    • Other languages and literary studies
    • Theatre and performance
postmodern classical tragedy Peter Verhelst tragic vision 20th Century Contemporary Dutch literature Mythology Tragedy
Project description

This project wants to examine the possibility of a tragic vision in the novels, plays and theatre performances of Peter Verhelst, focussing on the relation between such a vision and the ubiquitous themes and motifs from classical tragedy in his oeuvre. Aesthetic and ethic analyses will result in original contributions both to the interpretation of Verhelst and to the postmodern reception history of classical tragedy.