
Grammatical Studies in Buddhist Hybrid Chinese: the passive construction in early Chinese translation literature (2nd-5th century AD)

01 March 2012 → 31 October 2016
Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
Research disciplines
  • Humanities
    • Chinese language
    • Diachronic linguistics
grammaticatization Buddhist Hybrid Chinese passive construction Chinese historical linguistics Sanskrit and Chinese comparison external borrowing in the Chinese context Oriental languages Late Antiquity Middle Ages Antiquity Language and text analysis Ancient Chinese Chinese passive constructions Passive constructions Asia Far East Linguistics
Project description

The thesis is a study of early Buddhist Hybrid Chinese with an amphasis on the development of the passive constructions. Based on the quantitative analysis of materials collected in a database, the evolution of passive constructions, their distributions during different periods, questions concerning grammaticalization processes, and the influence of Indic languages and Chinese dialects will be studied and analyzed.