
Critical revision of skin cancer care in older persons from a public health & economical perspective

02 November 2020 → 31 December 2024
Research disciplines
  • Medical and health sciences
    • Dermatology
    • Geriatrics
    • Health economy
Skin cancer
Project description

Skin cancer is by far the most frequent cancer worldwide, and 1 person out of 6 will develop a skin cancer by the age of 70. It is well known that the incidence of melanoma and NMSC is rapidly increasing in fair populations. In previous research we modelled that the number of skin cancer patients will triple over the next 20 years. Skin cancer comprises different entities and is generally divided in two groups: melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC). Malignant melanoma arises from melanocytes and is the most aggressive type. Basal- and squamous cell carcinomas are the majority of skin cancers (up to 90%) and originate from keratinocytes. Basal cell carcinomas (BCCs) represent 70% of all skin cancers, and they do not metastasize but are locally invasive. The management of keratinocyte cancer is especially challenging in the older population. On the one hand the number of people over 65 years old and life expectancy is increasing rapidly across the globe. On the other hand mortality as a result of keratinocyte cancer is rare, however these tumors influence quality of life (QoL) in a distinct way, slowly growing into the surrounding tissues resulting in functional complications, secondary infection or pain. It is clear that there is a lack of guidelines for treatment and follow-up of these skin cancers in the older persons. In this project we aim to characterize the natural behaviour of basal cell carcinomas in elderly and map their exact impact on the QoL. The overall goal is to develop novel, innovative and cost-effective guidelines for the treatment of keratinocyte cancer in the elderly population within the WHO concept of healthy aging.