
Establishinf research Apolonia Pontica in Bulgaria

01 January 2007 → 01 December 2009
Funding by bilateral agreement (private and foundations)
Research disciplines
  • Humanities and the arts
    • Archaeology
    • Theory and methodology of archaeology
    • Other history and archaeology
apolonia pontica
Project description

In 2007 Ghent University was invited to participate in the excavations in the necropolis of the Greek colony of Apollonia Pontica (modern Sozopol in Bulgaria). Bulgarian side was previously a direct cause, as the archaeological remains of the colony threatened by urgent activities within the tourist exploitation of this part of the Black Sea coast. so any help was welcome. From the University of Ghent was part of its participation in an already ongoing research into the phenomenon of colonization, in both the Phoenician and Greek world (Carthage, Toscanos, Bouthrotos, Naxos, Pithekoussai, Malta, Solunto ...).