
Morphomata fellowship Marco Formisano

15 October 2016 → 15 July 2017
International funding: global institutions
Research disciplines
  • Humanities and the arts
    • Literary studies
    • Theory and methodology of language studies
Project description

Prof. Dr. Marco Formisano is employed by the Home University and is an invited guest scholar - Fellow - in conjunction with the Morphomata International Center for Advanced Studies project: Genesis, Dynamics and Mediality of Cultural Figurations (hereinafter referred to as "Center"). The Federal Ministry of Education and Research, through a grant of funds, issupporting the Center in the "Kate Hamburger Center" series in accordance with its support guidelines dated December 7, 2009. During his stay at the Center, the Fellow shall contribute his scientific expertise as an independent researcher, and as such, shall further international scientific exchange in this area of research. The Fellow and the University shall enter into a separate Fellow Agreement for this purpose.