Magnetic nanoparticles (MNP) find many uses in biomedical applications. Particularly interesting
are targeting applications in which the MNP are directed magnetically to a desired location in the
human body. The particles’small sizes enable them to reach any region in the body, while their
magnetic properties allow them to be controlled and sensed remotely by magnetic fields. For
magnetic targeting applications to be safe and efficient, the position of the MNP should be
monitored during the treatment.
The aim of this research proposal is to enable MNP-based applications that require accurate
targeting of the MNP for therapy, while simultaneously needing precise imaging of the MNP’
spatial distribution for diagnosis and feedback on the targeting. This will be realized by taking the
magnetic dynamics and interactions of the MNP into account and employing diverse magnetic
field sequences, containing both temporally and spatially varying magnetic fields, such as magnetic
field pulses. These sequences provide the necessary field gradients to move the particles while
giving accurate and fast information about their position.
The development of such a theranostic platform, i.e. a platform that provides both therapy and
diagnostics, is a necessary step towards personalized medicine in which a more flexible, precise,
real-time monitored and personalized treatment of the patient is envisioned.