

01 October 2016 → 30 September 2018
Regional and community funding: IWT/VLAIO
Research disciplines
  • Medical and health sciences
    • Elderly care
  • Engineering and technology
    • Building physics
    • Audio and speech processing
soundscapes acoustics
Project description

  The AcustiCare PROJECT will use soundscapes in residential care environments, and non-pharmacological approaches to reduce agitation and stress levels among residents. Soundscapes warden defined as the set of continuous noises, their acoustic impact and their perception by a person or group of persons. Within this PROJECT will soundscapes in different variants (whether individualized) created warden, the implementation in nursing homes will (WZC) worked warden and effectiveness in real-life test environment (pilot) tested warden. This can involve both Acoustic comfort (passive side), as the realization of soundscape (active effect). To show the effectiveness to fully realized in WZC come, will be in the test centers also realized warden an increased acoustic comfort. In this way, oak tackle the bottlenecks of background noise. Globally, the implementability of this innovative interventions WZC checked against warden, both for renovation and new construction projects, taking into account the variations in living arrangements .. Soundscapes warden defined as the set of continuous noises, their acoustic impact and their perception in a person or group of persons. Within this PROJECT will soundscapes in different variants (whether individualized) created warden, the implementation in nursing homes will (WZC) worked warden and effectiveness in re · a1 life test environments (labs) tested warden. This can involve both Acoustic comfort (passive side), as the realization of soundscape (active effect). In order to make full to the effectiveness in WZC conclusion, warden will be realized an increased acoustic comfort in the experimental oak. In this way, the bottlenecks of background noise is also addressed. Overall, the implementability of this innovative interventions WZC will be measured in warden, both for renovation and new construction projects, taking into account the variations in living arrangements. The primary target of AcustiCare are on the one hand companies active in the field of acoustics, construction technique, and audio, and on the other hand, the operators of WZC. They act as the economically active players within the ecosystem that is formed edge of the sheltered housing. This ecosystem is ender pressure by the aging population, care dependency and dementia degree in (future) residents WZC, while the (future) residents expect a higher and higher quality of life in a pleasant environment. Within this project, the focus of the primary target group is clearly on the needs and the specific character of the residential care involved and values ​​envisaged following objectives: companies accompany their innovative edge acoustic comfort increase in WZC and soundscape utilization making their competitive position will enhance account their specific market approach and thereby increase their revenue through additional sales to WZC. WZC prepare for the use of soundscape (both the passive and the active aspects of it) so that the health care staff in a more pleasant environment can work, which reduces the stress and resulting lost working days, and by which the occupants will exhibit a reduced agitation, resulting in a reduced use of medication. The WZC have held forth elaborate handles to lead and to adequately and cost effectively by carrying implementations these necessary changes in the right direction. Global open these economic benefits to a gate-care benefits, so the added value warden strengthen both sides. Especially for residents there is an increased Quality of Life, and also increased Quality of Care, which is also the healthcare providers have a positive impact, which would also demonstrate the social value. ;