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UGent Human Rights Research Network
Project Team
Outputs and Outcomes
Eva Brems
Department of European, Public and International Law
Alain Van Hiel
Department of Developmental, Personality and Social Psychology
An Cliquet
Department of European, Public and International Law
Berber Bevernage
Department of History
Carl Lachat
Department of Food Technology, Safety and Health
Chia Longman
Department of Languages and Cultures
Christel Stalpaert
Department of Art, music and theatre sciences
Christoph Van der Elst
Department of Interdisciplinary Study of Law, Private Law and Business Law
Didier Reynaert
Department of Special Needs Education
Diederik Bruloot
Department of Interdisciplinary Study of Law, Private Law and Business Law
Dirk Heirbaut
Department of Interdisciplinary Study of Law, Private Law and Business Law
Ellen Desmet
Department of European, Public and International Law
Els Leye
Department of Public Health and Primary Care (until 30 September 2021)
Eva Lievens
Department of Interdisciplinary Study of Law, Private Law and Business Law
Fabienne Bossuyt
Department of Political Sciences
Ferdi De Ville
Department of Political Sciences
Frank Caestecker
Department of Economics
Freya Vander Laenen
Department of Criminology, Criminal Law and Social Law (until 14 May 2023)
Geert Van Hoorick
Department of European, Public and International Law
Geert Van Hove
Department of Special Needs Education
Gert Vermeulen
Department of Criminology, Criminal Law and Social Law
Gertrudis Van de Vijver
Department of Philosophy and moral sciences
Hans De Wulf
Department of Interdisciplinary Study of Law, Private Law and Business Law
Ignaas Devisch
Department of Public Health and Primary Care
Ilse Derluyn
Department of Social Work and Social Pedagogy
Ines Keygnaert
Department of Public Health and Primary Care
Inge Govaere
Department of European, Public and International Law
Jan Orbie
Department of Political Sciences
Jinske Verhellen
Department of Interdisciplinary Study of Law, Private Law and Business Law
Joost Dessein
Department of Agricultural Economics
July De Wilde
Department of Translation, Interpreting and Communication
Katrijn Maryns
Department of Translation, Interpreting and Communication
Koen Ponnet
Department of Communication Sciences
Koen Schoors
Department of Economics
Koen Vlassenroot
Department of Conflict and Development Studies
Kris Rutten
Department of Educational Studies
Kristien Roelens
Department of Human Structure and Repair
Lieven De Marez
Department of Communication Sciences
Marijke D'Haese
Department of Agricultural Economics
Michel Tison
Department of Interdisciplinary Study of Law, Private Law and Business Law
Mieke Uyttendaele
Department of Food Technology, Safety and Health
Olivier Degomme
Department of Public Health and Primary Care
Peter Van Elsuwege
Department of European, Public and International Law
Petra De Sutter
Department of Human Structure and Repair
Pierre Schoentjes
Department of Literary Studies
Piet Van Avermaet
Department of Linguistics (until 30 September 2024)
Ronald De Meyer
Department of Architecture and urban planning
Ruben Verborgh
Department of Electronics and information systems (ELIS)
Rudi Roose
Department of Social Work and Social Pedagogy
Sami Zemni
Department of Conflict and Development Studies
Stef Craps
Department of Literary Studies
Stijn Vandevelde
Department of Special Needs Education
Tine Destrooper
Department of European, Public and International Law
Tom Claes
Department of Philosophy and moral sciences
Tom Decorte
Department of Criminology, Criminal Law and Social Law
Tom Ruys
Department of European, Public and International Law
Wendy De Bondt
Department of Criminology, Criminal Law and Social Law
Yves Haeck
Department of European, Public and International Law