
BIOLOOP: "Decision support model for BIOmass LOgistics Optimisation"

01 May 2024 → 30 April 2027
Regional and community funding: IWT/VLAIO
Research disciplines
  • Agricultural and food sciences
    • Agricultural and food sciences not elsewhere classified
mobilizing biomass
Project description

The main goal of BIOLOOP is to generate new knowledge and insights about mobilizing biomass to support the development of new (circular) bio-based supply chains or to improve the design of existing supply chains (in Flanders). For this reason, BIOLOOP will develop an integrated methodology to better match the supply and demand of biomass by means of strategic chain optimization, applicable to a wide portfolio of high-quality bio-based applications. To achieve this ambitious goal, BIOLOOP will generate new insights into how technological, economic and social parameters and constraints shape existing and new value chains. All knowledge and decision rules will be integrated into four new generic decision support models (DSMs) to simulate and optimize the mobilization of biomass raw materials, taking into account the use of various raw materials towards more high-quality applications, circular and sustainable principles and new business models and cooperation strategies.