Social sciences
- Economic development, innovation, technological change and growth
Through in-depth empirical inquiry, containing livelihoods and institutional analysis, this research aims to identify the "conflict-dependent survival livelihood strategies" of actors involved in Lake Edward's fishing economy. Objectives are twofold: (i) work towards a refined political ecology of violence that incorporates a more political understanding of livelihoods and that explores the effects of violence and conflicts on environmental peace building initiatives of state (e.g. ICCN) and non-state (e.g. POLE institute) developmental actors. This second objective involves an investigation on the conceptual and theoretical role of governance in inland fisheries, combined with a livelihoods research that integrates the impact of governance arrangements on poverty alleviation and conflict resolution on its fisheries dependent households. The results of the research project will be communicated in international acedemic forums in the form of articles in academic jounals, conference proceedings, etc., and will culminate in a doctoral dissertation. Meanwhile, they will also be communicated to non-academic actors (e.g. development practitioners, community organizations, public officials), leading to other output like written/oral recommendations, policy advise, reports, etc.