
An empirical investigation of how corporate financialization, wealth inequality and the distribution of stakeholder power shape aggregate demand, interact with ECB policies and influence the climate transition.

01 February 2022 → 31 January 2026
Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
Research disciplines
  • Social sciences
    • Heterodox approaches
    • Consumption, saving, production, investment, labour markets and informal economy
    • Monetary policy, central banking and the supply of money and credit
    • Distribution
    • Political economy
Financialization Stakeholder Power Wealth Inequality Income Inequality Aggregate Demand Unconventional Monetary Policy Sustainability Post-Keynesian Economics Ecological Macroeconomics
Project description

We will
1. document corporate financialization in the Euro Area, test its impact on investments, inequality and demand.
2. investigate how QE contributed to these trends and how the unequal distribution of stakeholder power hampers the ECB in reaching its target.
3. analyze the risks and opportunities of corporate financialization, wealth inequalities and current monetary policies for the climate transition.