
Unraveling the impact of Shared Reading on the wellbeing of patients in long-term hospital care

01 January 2024 → 31 December 2025
Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
Research disciplines
  • Humanities and the arts
    • Humanities and the arts not elsewhere classified
  • Medical and health sciences
    • Hematology
    • Oncology not elsewhere classified
Cancer Qualitative Research Bibliotherapy Shared Reading medical oncology Hematology health humanities
Project description

In Shared Reading, a method developed by Jane Davis, people read together short stories or poems, one person reading the text out loud. During the reading, the reader pauses and the group reflects on what was read. The participants can freely associate, and meaningful experiences can be remembered through the text. In this way, the reading experience is deepened, and reading together can also enable connecting. I had the honour to coordinate a qualitative research project in which 20 students of the faculty of Medicine and Health sciences were coupled with patients treated for cancer at the Ghent University Hospital, and had 8-10 1:1 sessions of Shared Reading. We evaluated the impact of this Shared Reading, both on the wellbeing of patients, and the professional development of the students. This research project led to interesting results, but further research is needed. Collaboration within the recently founded ITN CHARM, offers a unique opportunity to continue this research.