
SPICA-SKIRT: A far-infrared photometry and polarimetry simulation toolbax in preparation of the SPICA mission

01 January 2020 → 31 December 2020
Federal funding: various
Research disciplines
  • Natural sciences
    • Cosmology and extragalactic astronomy
    • Galactic astronomy
    • Infrared and optical astronomy
infrared astronomy polarimetry
Project description

The infrared wavelength range is key to understand the origin of galaxies, stars and planets. SPICA is a proposed European-Japanese infrared space mission that has recently been selected by ESA as a candidate M5 mission for its Cosmic Vision programme. The B-BOP instrument onboard SPICA will enable sensitive imaging and polarimetric mapping, with applications from the filaments and supernova remnants in our Milky Way to external galaxies and cosmology. This proposal aims to extend the SKIRT radiative transfer code such that it can be used to make detailed and quantitative predictions for B-BOP. This tool, which will be publicly available, will be used to strengthen the SPICA science case in the short term, and will serve as an important analysis and modelling tool in the longer run.