
Analysis of the structure of hemocyanine from Rapana species

02 January 2008 → 01 July 2008
Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
Research disciplines
  • Natural sciences
    • Biochemistry and metabolism
    • Systems biology
  • Medical and health sciences
    • Medical biochemistry and metabolism
    • Medical biochemistry and metabolism
    • Medical biochemistry and metabolism
structural analysis hemocyanin gene sequencing
Project description

Hemocyanin is the analogue of hemoglobin in gastropods and arthropods and is thus responsible for oxygen transport. It is an extremely complex proteins, consisting of several subunits and functional units. Hemocyanin is already in use for its immunostimulatory properties and has some therapeutic potential. In order to exploit the protein maximally, detailed knowledge of its structure is highly requested. During the stay of Prof. Dolashka-Angelova the structure will be further analysed. The complete nucleotide sequence will be determined. This information will be used for interpretation of data about glycosylation which is already available.