
Support Centre education - SSL

01 January 2012 → 30 June 2016
Regional and community funding: various
Research disciplines
  • Social sciences
    • Education curriculum
    • Education systems
    • General pedagogical and educational sciences
    • Specialist studies in education
    • Other pedagogical and educational sciences
Flemish education
Project description

Policy Research Centres are supposed to inform the Flemish Government and their partners concerning strategic policy choices. In this context, we can refer to the long-term options as reflected in the Pact 'Flanders 2020', which aims to transform Flanders into a learning region - not just for the optimal functioning of the labour market but also for a maximum level of well-being. In operational terms. four sets of challenges need to be addressed:
1. The system of education and lifelong learning needs to become more open and fairer through an effective EEO (equal educational opportunities) policy, reduction of low-literacy rates, intercultural education, and better access of young people from lower socio-economic backgrounds to higher education;
2. The matching between education and the labour market needs to improve, through a 50% reduction of unqualified school-leaving, the extension of workplace learning for students as well as teachers, more MST graduates (maths, sciences and technology), enhanced participation in higher education and a strategic competence policy in enterprises;
3. Optimum chances for continuing personal development and creativity must be created by nurturing top talents, enhancing participation in adult learning, reinforcing higher education and developping network schools;
4. a learning civil society must be developed by promoting social learning in the context of associations.