
ZoLeerRijk: an interactive learning platform to foster language and learning

01 January 2024 → 31 December 2024
Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
Research disciplines
  • Social sciences
    • Teacher education and professional development of educators
    • Primary education
    • Secondary education
    • Language didactics
    • Mesolevel instructional sciences
    • Microlevel instructional sciences
    • Teacher training
learning materials self-regulated learning reading language Evidence-based feedback evaluation materials teachers questionnaires students school teams writing
Project description

The research group 'Language, Learning, and Innovation' focuses on assessing and enhancing the reading, writing, and learning performance of primary and secondary school students. Through ZoLeerRijk , we disseminate our evidence-based learning materials aimed at promoting language skills and effective learning. ZoLeerRijk provides educational professionals access to comprehensive lesson packages, informative posters, text materials, evaluation tools, teaching methods, articles, blog posts, and workshops. In response to requests from our ZoLeerRijk users, we aim to integrate our evaluation materials into the platform, allowing teachers and students to complete our questionnaires and receive immediate feedback. This transformation will turn ZoLeerRijk into an interactive platform where users can actively engage with our evaluation resources and receive personalized feedback and interpretative guidance on their individual results. The current proposal to the MV Fund aligns with the objective of evolving ZoLeerRijk into an interactive platform