Social sciences
- Applied economics
- Economic history
- Macroeconomics and monetary economics
- Microeconomics
- Tourism
The main impact and added value from CE_MOOC is to deliver experience sharing and knowledge to broad KIC RM audiences, which result in increased societal awareness of raw materials, their importance to our modern economies, and the relevance of KIC activities to broader socio-political stakeholders. Service delivered by a MOOC strategy for such delivery includes that: large audiences can be reached at very low cost per learner in comparison to traditional forms; course replication costs are very low once the MOOC is established; MOOC audio-visual material is creative commons and can be leveraged in other media; updating and renewal is supported, thus longevity and financial sustainability is enhanced. Further, it is anticipated that the intervention will deliver knowledge and motivation to envision, or act upon, new ideas for products, markets, business models, and policy initiatives that further promote material loop closure and the operationalization of a circular economy. The targeted communication and education delivered will provide the KIC RM with increased visibility, enhanced reputation and legitimacy, (potential) innovation spinoffs, and an increased awareness of the industry among potential employee, project partner, and technology provider pools.