
Combating Childhood Obesity

CCO 2020
01 January 2020 → 31 December 2020
European funding: various
Research disciplines
  • Social sciences
    • Counseling psychology
e-health psychology childhood obesity
Project description

Childhood obesity is a serious health problem in our society. We aim at an integrated approach to change their lifestyle by developing a user-friendly smartphone app for collecting data directly from the target group and develop an individually tailored intervention to reduce obesity and increase wellbeing in children.

An unhealthy eating behaviour of both children and their parents are a significant contribution to the worldwide pandemic that is overweight and obesity. Our overarching objective is to further develop an existing, successful, evidenced-based AI algorithm of cognitive behavioural therapy for adults and extend application domain to children. This smart personalized tracking and intervention technology in app form is particularly aimed at preventing and reducing the prevalence of overweight and obesity in children via improved eating behaviour of families. Consequently, the incidence of noncommunicable diseases, like diabetes and cardiovascular diseases, will also decrease, and an improved and long-lasting quality of life can be realized. In doing so, this project directly contributes to the aim of the global action plan of WHO to halt global obesity rates by 2025.