Social sciences
- Economic development, innovation, technological change and growth
Within the VLIR framework, a Institutional University Cooperation (IUC) started with the Anton de Kom University of Suriname (AdeKUS) and the Flemish universities. The IUS is coordinated by A Vervoort of K.U.Leuven. It is a long term project. The main objective is to support AdeKUS in evolution from a mainly educational bachelor institute to an institute that focuses also on master education and research. Six projects are defined in Phase 1. Two broad institutional project; one project focuses on ICT, library, student administration, financial management, etc., while two projects focusing on the three basic tasks of a university, namely teaching, research and service. Projects 3, 4 and 5 as a central theme: sustainable development. Project 3 is situated within the faculty of social sciences, while the two others are located within the Faculty of Technological Sciences. The last look at the sustainable management of natural resources. Project 6 supports physiotherapy.