Agricultural and food sciences
- Agricultural technology
- Farm and rural management
Four important sustainable development goals are food security and sustainable agriculture (SDG 2), economic growth (SDG 8), equality (SDG 5), and climate action (SDG 13), yet many agricultural practices in Uganda continue to face challenges linked to one of these goals. However, digital innovations might be an answer to a lot of the problems faced in Ugandan agriculture. In Uganda, while the personal computer revolution may have been bypassed, the increasing prevalence of smartphones and internet connectivity presents an opportune moment to pioneer agricultural apps. Notably, the country has embarked on an ambitious digitization agenda with a proposed roadmap spanning from 2023 to 2027, signaling a strategic alignment for technological advancements.
Against this backdrop, this project aims to explore the transformative potential of mobile applications in bolstering agricultural management practices, with a focus on Uganda. Partnering with Gulu University and the Mountains of the Moon University, we seek to conduct a comprehensive needs assessment among local farmers by use of semi-structured interviews to ascertain their requirements for improved farm management. Concurrently, by doing observations, we will investigate the boundary conditions in which smartphone apps may be adopted such as internet accessibility, digital literacy, and electricity connection. Lastly, we want to collect data on demographical and cultural variables.