Social sciences
- Education, culture and society not elsewhere classified
The Youth Research Platform (or the JOP ) is an inter-university partnership between the Youth Criminology Research Line (Leuven Institute of Criminology - KU Leuven), the Department of Social Work and Social Pedagogy (UGent) and the Tempus Omnia Revelat Research Group (Vrije Universiteit Brussel). The current management agreement recognising the JOP as a scientific support centre for the policy field of youth runs from 2021 to 2025.
The main task of the JOP is to draw up the State of Youth, the large-scale five-yearly survey of the world of Flemish youth. In addition, the support centre is also responsible for collecting and opening up youth research in Flanders via the youth research database, valorising and publicising the research for policy and the sector, and providing scientific and methodological support to the youth policy field. It also plays a role in Flemish and international networks on youth research.