
Soft Landing Flanders

01 January 2020 → 31 March 2022
European funding: various
Research disciplines
  • Social sciences
    • Psychological methods not elsewhere classified
Other information
Project description

The project ''Soft landing Flanders - For tech start-ups, scale-ups and internationals'' stems from the East Flanders Acquisition Platform (Province of East Flanders, City of Ghent, UGent Tech Transfer, POM East Flanders, FIT, Vlaio and North Sea Port). The province of East Flanders is committed to specifically attracting international start-ups and scale-ups by mapping the ecosystem and refining a scoring system for handling incoming leads. Building on this, the 'soft landing pack' bundles specific information and incentives for startups and scale-ups.

For a better reception of international talent, a one-stop shop is provided that bundles relevant info and unburdens employee and employer. Support material for this theme will also be developed for all cities and municipalities. Finally, the project partners will propose policy recommendations to eliminate remaining bottlenecks at different levels of government.

This way, the project contributes to a better international business climate in Flanders, pushes our region up the ranking as a location hub for start-ups and scale-ups and helps us catch up on attracting and retaining international talent.