Natural sciences
- Soil sciences, challenges and pollution
Agricultural and food sciences
- Agriculture, land and farm management
Forming experts should be able to answer questions from responsible positions as " which is a bottom " and " how the soil was formed and how it will be under given circumstances evolve " ;, " which factors and characteristics determine the suitability of the soil for both agricultural and non-agricultural uses and how does it fixedly " ;, " how can soil application specific improvement warden " ;, ". how degradation and desertification can tackle warden " ;, " how we manage the bottom area and how we protect it " ;, " what is the impact on the bottom factor in the dynamics of naturally ecosystems and how can we use this information to nature " ;, " what does the bottom ans about environmental " ;, " how the soil water is improved warden, with a view to sustainable agriculture " ;, " how can scarce water resources EFFICIE ! nter used warden " ;.