
The use and role of gesture, facial expression and gaze in spoken language use by diverse groups of users.

01 January 2024 → 31 December 2025
Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
Research disciplines
  • Humanities and the arts
    • Discourse studies
    • Sociolinguistics
    • Conversation analysis
Multimodality Sociolinguistics Language and interaction
Project description

This application is situated within the broader field of language/interaction research, focusing on the study of language use in interactive settings as performatively oriented and occurring in real time. Recent theoretical developments in this area highlight the "verbal bias" in the study of (spoken) language use, as well as the need to understand "body language" not as a separate semiotic channel but instead as a set of coordinated bodily behaviors that are integrated with and unfold in conjunction with verbal expression. Note in this respect how speaking itself is a form of bodily behavior.

The project aims to investigate the specific dynamics of diverse groups of language users, starting from findings already noted in the existing scientific literature. Examples include enhanced language production through the use of supportive gestures by individuals with ADHD and the guiding and facilitating role of gestures in word retrieval challenges when telling a story in a foreign language.

This research requires laboratory conditions. This part will be conducted in collaboration with the multi-media lab at De Krook and IPEM, which - among other themes - focuses on bodily conduct in response to/during musical performance. 

The initial allocation of base funding in 2024 is intended for a short-term preparatory grant to support a subsequent application to the Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO) for fundamental research ("aspirant", candidate: Louise Van Haecke) on the research theme of "gesture" and language users with ADHD.