
InduFlexControl-2 - Control algorithms for flexibility in power-to-X and industrial processes

01 December 2022 → 31 May 2025
Regional and community funding: IWT/VLAIO
Research disciplines
  • Engineering and technology
    • Automation and control systems
    • Renewable power and energy systems engineering
    • Process engineering not elsewhere classified
flexibility control algorithms electric power systems power-to-X design-for-flexibility
Project description

The general goal of this follow-up cSBO project is to develop data-driven modelling techniques and control methodologies, harness flexibility in the energy-intensive industry and enable its active participation in the energy transition while remaining cost-efficient and low in CO2 emissions. This project is a continuation of the previous sprint-cSBO project InduFlexControl. However, while the previous project focused entirely in modelling and control methodologies for unlocking the underlying flexibility, InduFlexControl-2 goes one step further, exploring how the incorporation of power-to-X technologies, storage and eventually an alternative (re-)design of selected components in the energy-intensive industry can extend the overall available flexibility.