
Dusty Beginnings

01 October 2022 → 30 September 2025
Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO)
Research disciplines
  • Natural sciences
    • Astrochemistry
    • Cosmology and extragalactic astronomy
    • High energy astrophysics, astroparticle physics and cosmic rays
    • Stellar astrophysics
Supernova explosions Early universe Dust growth and destruction
Project description

Understanding the physical mechanisms that lead to the formation of dust is key in order to model the properties and the evolution of stars and galaxies. Although recently, thanks to the new generation of long wavelength telescopes such as Herschel and ALMA we have observed a number of galaxies present at the first billion years of the universe’s lifetime which contained large amounts of dust. The most likely progenitors of this dust are supernovae from the first stellar populations. However the amount of dust that can be created by supernova, the dependence on the metallicity and the modelling of different supernovae types (such as pair instability supernovae) remain in many ways unexplored. Current supernova modelling predominantly focuses on the present metal rich universe, ignoring many of the idiosyncrasies of the early universe and thus being unsuitable for its description. In this project we propose to unveil the dusty beginnings of our universe by running high resolution numerical simulations of supernova explosions. We aim to carry out a systematic study of how different types of supernovae and how metallicity affects the net dust production. For that we will develop tools to account for all relevant processes related to dust creation and destruction. We will then use these simulations to develop new sub-grid models of dust formation which will set the standard for the next generation galactic and cosmological simulations.