
IUC Cross-Cutting Initiative: Organizing international training workshop on bandwidth management and optimization

01 October 2009 → 31 March 2010
Federal funding: various
Research disciplines
  • Natural sciences
    • Applied mathematics in specific fields
Bandwidth Management
Project description

The aim of this project is creating the required human resource capacity in Jimma University. Mekelle University, other higher institutions of Ethiopia, and VLIR Partner universities from across Africa so that they can optimize their bandwidth. The project will be undertaken follwing train-the-trainer model where trainers from Jimma and Mekele universities will be trained in Belgium for a month and train ICT professionals from other Ethiopian institutions and VLIR partner institutions. To make the training more practical, Jimma University staff will have to implement the solutions before they offer the training to the other institutions. In this case, the implementations will be used as a real case scenario during the training. Moreover, the ICT Professionals from Jimma University and Mekelle University will produce training (and implementation) guideline which will be used in the training and future implementations.