
Precision physics with W and Z bosons: vector boson scattering, effective field theory, luminosity

01 October 2023 → 30 September 2026
Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO)
Research disciplines
  • Natural sciences
    • Experimental particle physics
    • High energy physics
    • Phenomenological particle physics
Effective field theory Vector boson scattering Luminosity
Project description

Despite its large success in describing a wide range of results obtained at human-built experiments, the standard model (SM) of particle physics is known to be incomplete, and thus the quest for new physics beyond the SM (BSM) is ongoing. A crucial tool is the precision measurement of SM properties to constrain small deviations from SM predictions that could hint at BSM physics at much larger energy scales. In this project, the vector boson scattering (VBS) processes of electroweak WZ and ZZ diboson production in association with two jets are to be measured. VBS processes provide unique insights into the structure of gauge couplings and the electroweak symmetry breaking mechanism, due to their Born-level sensitivity to quartic gauge boson couplings. The goal of this project is threefold: First, differential measurements of electroweak WZ and ZZ production are to be performed with the highest possible precision. Second, results of these measurements are to be combined with other VBS results in a global analysis of possible deviations from SM predictions parameterized in the SM effective field theory. Third, the luminosity measurement, which is a prerequisite for any precision cross section measurements, will be brought to ultimate precision by incorporating a new method based on the counting of Z boson events. The project will use proton-proton collision data recorded by the CMS experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC).