
Interface Control at the Nanoscale (ICON) – Synthesis, Interface Chemistry and Optical Spectroscopy of III-V/II-VI Heteronanostructures

01 November 2022 → 14 April 2024
Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO)
Research disciplines
  • Natural sciences
    • Nanophysics and nanosystems
Surface Science Nanotechnology Spectroscopy
Project description

Ongoing evolutions in nanoscience resonate exceptionally well with the societal need for smaller, faster, and more efficient consumer devices. Semiconducting quantum dots (QDs) occupy a central role in this revolution as their unique size-tunable and atomic-like energy states are in high demand for luminescent color conversion and lasing. Over the last decade, bottom-up approaches have emerged as scalable methods to assemble complex nanostructured QDs with exceptional control over their size and shape. Current research efforts are directed toward synthesizing high-quality indium phosphide (InP) QDs as InP combines a tunable bandgap throughout the visible range with high oscillator strength transitions. To make QDs suitable for devices, QDs are typically produced as core/shell heteronanostructures. Building on pre-existing knowledge of epitaxially grown quantum well structures and previous generations of quantum dots, I foresee that significant breakthroughs can be realized by methodically engineering the interface in core/shell heteronanostructured QDs. To do so, I will design innovative core/shell heteronanostructured QDs with structurally and electronically decoupled interfaces. On the one hand, these will serve as a model system to discover general principles of interfacial control at the nanoscale. Simultaneously, my approach will result in InP-based QDs with strongly improved linear and non-linear optical properties, as desired for luminescent down-conversion and lasing.