
QD Pocket – Quantum Dot Pockets by Digital Light Processing

QD Pocket
01 January 2021 → 31 December 2022
Regional and community funding: Industrial Research Fund
Research disciplines
  • Natural sciences
    • Photonics, optoelectronics and optical communications
Quantum Dots Parallel Processing Lighting and Display Encapsulation
Project description

At Ghent University, we recently invented QD pockets and developed a method to fabricate these objects. With this StartTT project, we aim at making a next step in the technical development of QD pockets, which includes the installation of an improved fabrication setup and the formation of QD pocket demonstrators relevant for industry. In addition, we aim at developing a valorization strategy based on the filing of a patent application, which we will support within the priority year, the definition of the most optimal partner for licensing the IP within the QD technology value chain and the positioning of UGent as a preferred partner for follow-up R&D on QD pockets.