Natural sciences
- Hydrogeology
Engineering and technology
- Water resources management
Agricultural and food sciences
- Agricultural hydrology
- Sustainable agriculture
MSc Sustainable Land Management (SULAMA) targets most of the 17 SDGs, more particularly SDG 4, 6, 2, 11, 13 and 15. Our project wants to enhance SULAMA and increase its impact in the Global South by 5 levels of activities: 1) involve South partners in the teaching to SULAMA; 2) involve North lecturers in related programs of South partners; 3) develop North-South interactions for student supervision of SULAMA (project proposal development by students supervised by South promoters, in frame of Scientific Communication course; MSc theses under joint supervision of South and North promoters - one student sent to each South partner for field work every year; Integrated Project (IP): every year, one IP will be organised in the South, with one of the partners, for SULAMA and local students; internships: South partners and stakeholders are invited to provide internships to SULAMA students; abridged programs will be developed for graduates from South partners to follow SULAMA); 4) strengthen the background of incoming students by offering preparatory courses; and 5) provide dissemination and outreach, whereby activities will maintain a strong link with stakeholders: yearly SULAMA Welcome Day (hybrid) with students, alumni and stakeholders; yearly workshop with local stakeholders organised at location of IP in the South; yearly online workshop with South stakeholders to provide policy support; website to share activities and results; e-learning platform to share teaching materials; LinkedIn account.
Our project outputs are O1) Improved education in sustainable land management (SLM) by strengthening MSc SULAMA and related South programs; O2) Increased access to high-quality education in SLM; O3) Improved North-South and South-South collaboration to form a network of experts in SLM; O4) Enhanced exchange between academics and stakeholders in SLM. Our outputs link to VLIR-UOS Outcomes 1, 2, 4 and 6 and will be guided by the principles of “LNOB", “Interconnectedness” and “MSP”.