Natural sciences
- Phytopathology
- Plant biochemistry
Agricultural and food sciences
- Agricultural plant protection
My research group (Laboratory of Applied Mycology and Phenomics, LAMP) is active in the field of crop production and -protection. Reducing crop losses due to plant pathogens or due to abiotic stress are the major challenges in agriculture. The mission of LAMP is to significantly contribute to and generate impact in these challenge by exploring new innovations in crop protection and plant health and by enabling that such innovations find their way to society at large. Therefore, we have deliberately chosen to work on relevant crops such as wheat, maize, potato and tomato. Anticipating changes in climate and the GreenDeal imposed by the EU commission, we explore innovative biostimulant and biocontrol strategies to increase plants' resilience. Technologically, we use multi- and hyperspectral imaging to non-destructively monitor plant healh. Academic impact is demonstrated by a high number of citations (>4000) of papers (>130) published by lab members.