
Numerical Modelling of 3DPC concrete

01 January 2024 → 31 December 2025
Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
Research disciplines
  • Engineering and technology
    • Structural engineering
shrinkage hydration discrete element modelling creep 3D-printing concrete
Project description

Different technologies are being developed to create a more sustainable building sector, among them 3D printed concrete (3DPC). In spite of the potential for a reduced environmental impact and aesthetically more pleasing structures, wide-spread application is hindered by a lack of experimental testing techniques and especially computational prediction models allowing designers to overcome the substantial early age cracking risk. This project aims at improving an advanced multi-physics computational framework that allows the prediction of the early age behaviour of hardend printed concrete taking into account key features such as layered nature, heterogeneity and chemical processess. The projecet makes use of experimental data that is readily available within the Magnel-Vandepitte Laboratory and synergies with ongoing research activities.