
Voices about psychosis

02 January 2023 → 01 January 2024
Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
Research disciplines
  • Social sciences
    • Counselling psychology
    • Psychopathology
psychosis mental health recovery
Project description

This is a scientific valorization project, in which Prof. Dr. Stijn Vanheule talks via podcasts with individuals who themselves had psychotic experiences and published about them.

About 15% of the population has had a psychotic experience. In 3.5% this leads to problems that require professional help. The good news is that most people recover from psychosis. Recent literature clearly describes what a recovery-supportive approach looks like. Among other things, it is important to strengthen connection and hope, dispel prejudice and increase input from individuals who themselves have struggled with psychosis.

In 15 podcast episodes, key aspects of this recovery process are discussed through personal stories. The project aims to provide a broad audience with a better understanding of what psychotic experiences are, how individuals experience them, and what helps them recover. The podcast is being dessiminated in collaboration PsychoseNet and Museum Dr. Guislain.