
Fromal characterizations of defaesible reasoning forms: the capacities ans limits of the standard format for adaptive logics

01 October 2011 → 01 October 2013
Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
Research disciplines
  • Natural sciences
    • Artificial intelligence
  • Humanities and the arts
    • Theory and methodology of philosophy
    • Philosophy
    • Ethics
    • Other philosophy, ethics and religious studies not elsewhere classified
  • Social sciences
    • Cognitive science and intelligent systems
defeasible reasoning nonmonotonic logic adaptive logics
Project description

The general aim of this research project is to ecplicate formally defeasible reasoning forms (DRFs) by means of Adaptive logics (ALs). Despite the fact that the standard format for ALs proved to be very useful for the formak characterization of many DRFs, it is suboptimal for some application contexts. the more specific aim of my research is hence to investigate the capacities and limits of the standard format and to generalize it if and where recessary. An efficient way to scrutinize this aim is to consider the many DRFs that developed independently of the AL program (only some of them were integrated thus far).