
Unlocking Marine Bacteria: Enzymatic Conversion of Chitin to Chitooligosaccharides and Chitosan

01 October 2024 → 30 September 2028
Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
Research disciplines
  • Engineering and technology
    • Fermentation
  • Agricultural and food sciences
    • Food sciences and (bio)technology not elsewhere classified
Chitin enzymes marine bacteria chito-oligosaccharides chitosan
Project description

Chitin, a recalcitrant polymer abundantly available in marine byproducts, can lead to high-value valorisation products such as chito-oligosaccharides and chitosan. To obtain these conversion products, several enzymatic reactions are involved, of which marine bacteria are an untapped source of these enzymes. After selecting some high potential marine bacteria, a full fermentation process will be developed to extract, deproteinize, demineralize and convert chitin from crustacean waste into chito-oligosaccharides and chitosan.