Medical and health sciences
- Medical imaging and therapy
- Medical imaging and therapy
- Other paramedical sciences
- Medical imaging and therapy
Liquid matrixes are standard sample collection materials for drugs at the workplace. At this stage, the majority of liquid samples (urine, serum, saliva,…) that are collected on site, are transported as such to analytical laboratories and stored in their collection form. Transportation of bulky, heavy samples from the collection site to the analytical laboratory is expensive however and inappropriate transportation conditions can lead to degradation of the compounds of interest.
The concept consists of bringing the sample/solution that contains the analytes of interest on a cartridge at the collection site. The solution is pushed or sucked (e.g. under vacuum) through the cartridge. The compounds of interest remain on the cartridge as all water/liquid flows through the cartridge and is discarded. This results in a reduction of weight (and size) of about 95%, making them very cheap to transport and store.
The main focus of this project consists of gathering sufficient data to support the proof-of-concept. These data will at a later stage be used as cornerstone for patenting the innovation.